Far North Air
7362 W. Parks Hwy. #737
Wasilla, Alaska 99623
Thomas Chaplin
p. 702-724-5648
e. Thomas@FarNorthAir.com
Steve Carr
p. 907-229-8015
e. Steve@FarNorthAir.com
About Us
Far North Air is run by Alaskans for Alaskans. Steve Carr is a life-long AK resident and proud Stinson and Cessna owner. Thomas Chaplin is a pro-pilot with over fifteen year of flying in AK, the lower forty-eight and over-seas.
Far North Air is currently seeking quality inventory. Let us insulate you from tire-kickers and help fetch the highest price for your aircraft. Having your interests protected with profess- ional representation is always a good idea. Call us today!